Woodside Chapel
Sunday Messages
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Last 10

2016-10-23Dan Mearns35:05
2016-10-16Andrew Lane34:58
2016-10-09Chris Zito46:11
2016-10-02Ed Williams41:34
2016-09-18Aaron Shoaf40:25
2016-09-04Steve Schetelich35:13
2016-08-14Paul Nowak34:13
2016-08-07Dan Green43:05
2016-07-24Tom Schetelich39:43
2016-07-17Jack Fish59:52

Step 1: List messages by clicking on one of the three links: List Last 10, List By Year(first select a year), or List By Speaker (first select a speaker name)

Step 2: Scroll through the list of messages and click on the Date of the desired one to download.

This website contains MP3 or WMA files of messages given at Woodside Chapel, 5 Morse Avenue, Fanwood NJ.
To visit the main Woodside Chapel website click here.